
All interview partners do approve the publication of their resp. views. Copyright of photos is indicated to the best of our knowledge.*). Quotes added in due sequence of interviews without attempting an evaluation. Translations as required: René Scholz

Photo. Julia Dittrich

Julia Dittrich, First Vice-President, Chief Employee Commettee; Ministry of Culture and Science of the Great State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Interview on February 25th, 2021: What is your first Rule when dealing with others?
“The appreciation of the other person.

What is the first Rule when dealing with yourself?
“To put aside my ego in order to envision the common good.

Photo: Public domain / Wikipedia

Lt Gen (Ret.) Ben Hodges, currently (2020) holding the Pershing Chair in Strategic Studies at the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) and former Commander of United States Army Europe (2014-2017) gave a US perspective on Germany’s central role in European and international security and defense cooperation at a joined online/offline session of Steuben-Schurz-Society and American German Business Club at the Grand Rococo Hall of Frankfurt’s Masonic Lodge „Loge zur Einigkeit“ on September 21st 2020. Our question as kindly forwarded by host Thomas W. Leiser:
What’s your first Rule when dealing with people?



Dr. med. Marcus E. Tammer, MD (USA), Plastic Surgeon, Frankfurt (M)
Interview on July 29th, 2020: „What is your first Rule when dealing with others?”
„How can I help you?“


„Fliegenpilze“ / “Toadstool” 120 x 160 cm, oil on canvas, Julia Belot – Photo: Axel Jung

Julia Belot
, painter;
June 3rd, 2020:. „What is your first Rule when dealing with yourself?“
„Be patient and be grateful.“
„What is your first Rule when dealing with children?“
„Any action bears its consequences.“
„When and how did the importance ot the Rules come to your mind?“
– „I do not reflect them constantly. Painting is a lonesome and selv-sufficient occupation. Whenever people of  different Interests meet, e. g. an artist, a gallery-owner, a collector, I need to remember the Rules.“


Herr CHEN Jianmin, 陈建民先生,龙华副区长
Vice District-Mayor , Longhua, Shenzhen, Province Guangdong, China

January 9th, 2020, Longhua / Shenzhen Economic Summit  Frankfurt
Host: Chinesische Handelszeitung, Frankfurt 华商报,法兰克福市  Chinese-German Translator Ms. YANG Tiao

“Mayor Chen, you meet a lot of people and you bear a lot of responsability.for a lot of people. What is your first Rule when dealing with people?”
“Let’s got and eat.”

NB: US Senator James Lankford (R/Ok) recommands eating together with people of another ethnicity as a way out of riots after the violent death of George Floyd, May 25th 2020 in Minneapolis. Source: ABCnews, June 4th 2020

  Photo: HKM/Manjit Jari
Prof. Dr. R. Alexander Lorz, Kultusminister des Landes Hessen
State Minister of Education of the Great State of Hesse, Germany
Interview took place at the Römer, Frankfurt’s town hall, during the 70th year celebration of Steuben-Schurz-Gesellschaft March 23rd, 2018
„Sir, what is your first Rule when dealing with others?“
„Respect. To meet the other at eye-level. Values and virtues!“

Prof. em. Dr. phil. nat. Dr. h. c. Karl-Ontjes Groeneveld, Physicist
Interview on January 3rd, 2016: „What is you first Rule when dealing with others?“

Photo: Kunst
Boris Rhein, Hessischer Minister für Wissenschaft und Kunst
State Minister for Science and the Arts of the Great State of Hesse
December 7th, 2017, Establishing the Chair for the Holocaust at Goethe University, Frankfurt:
„Which Rules do you use to avoid another possible holocaust?“ „Knowledge regarding the holocaust, circumstances, develeopment and basics as well as conveying the importance of the Jews for Germany and the EU.
Education and knowledge are very important.  – ‚Thou shalt not kill.’“

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. oec. med. Heike Allgayer PhD MD, Mother and Scientist / Wissenschaftlerin
January 26th, 2016: „What is your most important Rule when dealing with children?“ „Authenticity, absolute straightfordwardness, unconditional affection. Never say „You can’t understand yet“— as usually this is not the case. Put confidence in the child. When ever feasible, be a role-model, not only talk about things. Be aware th<t every child is a gift requiring loving care.“

  Photo: Daniel Lijovic, Fotowerk Nidda
Nadine C. Balke, Personal Assistant / Student
December 28th, 2017. “Is there any Rule for your life?“
„Life means, to acheive the best based on whatever you have be eqipped with.“
Susanne Brudermüller, M. A., Interculturel dialogue Susanne Brudermü
May 12th, 2016: „How do you convey the Rules you follow yourself?“
„I am a „repeat offender“, that is by repetitive action.”

Photo: via Linkedin

Alice Wiedow, Head D/A/CH, Printer’s Studio Limited, Hong Kong,
January 31st, 2016: „What is the benefit of the Rules?“
„As you follow the Rules, you do know what will happen.“

  Photo: Tanja Felten

Mira Felten, 9th grade
„Dieses Buch kann für ein besseres Miteinander und Füreinander sorgen. Dabei steht im Vordergrund der richtige und respektvolle Umgang. Wenn man diese Spielregeln beherrscht, steht einer guten Klassengemeinschaft nichts mehr im Wege. Nun ist es auch eine Frage der Lehrkraft, diese Übungen gut zu präsentieren, damit sie angenommen werden.“
C4 Covertext for
„Die Spielregeln – 37 Spiele für den besseren Umgang in der Schule“
Sorry, this book is not available in English.

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